In this second week of our foundation series, we delve into the profound question of why Jesus came to earth: to offer us new life. Many people wander through life without understanding their true purpose, often seeking happiness and fulfillment in material possessions, fun, or success. However, true contentment is found in discovering our purpose, which is to have a personal relationship with God. Jesus came to provide us with an abundant life, as stated in John 10:10, and this new life brings numerous benefits, including strength, peace, purpose, and freedom.
Despite the availability of this new life, many continue to search for happiness because of our inherent desire to follow our own paths, often ignoring God's principles. This self-centered attitude, described as sin, separates us from God. The Bible clearly states that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory, and this sin affects every aspect of our lives. Our attempts to find fulfillment through our own efforts, whether through good deeds or religious practices, are futile. The solution lies in Jesus, who declared Himself as the way, the truth, and the life. Salvation is a gift from God, not earned by works, but received through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To access this new life, we must be born again, as Jesus explained to Nicodemus. This involves a spiritual rebirth, a transformation that begins with repentance and faith in Jesus. Repentance is more than feeling sorry for our sins; it is a turning away from sin and a commitment to follow God's path. It requires an inward change of heart that leads to outward actions. True repentance is evidenced by a changed life, as we align our actions with God's will.
Salvation is a journey, not a one-time event. It involves continually seeking God's forgiveness and striving to live according to His principles. This new life in Christ offers us the opportunity to walk a different path, free from the bondage of sin. As we embrace this new life, we are called to be disciples of Jesus, counting the cost and committing to live for Him. This journey includes baptism, receiving the Holy Spirit, and growing in the fruits of the Spirit. Today, I invite you to embrace this new life, to repent, believe, and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.