In today's message, we explored the concept of being an "unorthodox church," drawing inspiration from Acts chapter 5. The early church was characterized by its powerful, spontaneous, and miraculous nature, which was contrary to the traditional and expected norms of their time. This unorthodox approach led to explosive growth and a vibrant community of believers who lived with an eternal perspective, expecting the miraculous as a regular part of their gatherings. We examined why the modern church often looks different from the New Testament church. While cultural, technological, and political differences play a role, the core issue lies in the church's tendency to conform to societal norms rather than embracing the unorthodox nature of the early church. The early believers defied conventional religious practices, lived with unorthodox faith, and expected God to move powerfully among them.
The message challenges us to return to this unorthodox approach, focusing on the mission to reach lost people and not being afraid to expect the miraculous. We must not compromise on preaching the truth and allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely. The church's primary mission is evangelism, and we are called to be bold witnesses of Jesus, sharing the new life that He offers.
We also heard a powerful testimony of God's healing power, reminding us that miracles still happen today. The story of Kevin Delony, who experienced a heart attack during church and was miraculously healed, serves as a testament to God's continued work among us. This reinforces the call to be an unorthodox church that expects and embraces the miraculous.
In conclusion, we are encouraged to break free from the constraints of traditionalism and embrace the unorthodox nature of the early church. By doing so, we can experience the power of the Holy Spirit and see lives transformed. Let us be bold in our faith, unafraid to step out and share the gospel with those around us.